Service for shooting ranges
Contact persons
Collection and disposal
We are your reliable partner for the professional removal of shotgun cartridges, brass shell casings and lead waste, as well as the efficient extraction of shot lead using our “SuperSauger” suction truck.
We will be glad to provide you with the right containers to meet your needs and assure the correct collection and storage of shell casings.
Collection container
We will be glad to provide you with the right containers from our range for proper and legally compliant collection and storage.
120l container
W: 56 cm, H: 98 cm
(with padlock)
360l container
W: 88 cm, H: 112 cm
610l paloxes (UN-approved)
L: 120 cm, W: 100 cm, H: 76 cm
IBC tank 1,000 l
L: 120 cm, W: 100 cm, H: 120 cm
Münzer Bioindustrie GmbH
Untergroßau 207
A-8261 Sinabelkirchen
T. +43 (0) 50 180
F. +43 (0) 50 180 400