Code of Conduct

Being the market leader in the fields in which we operate, is the goal we have set ourselves. Our actions aim to create long-term values and a sustainable development of society and economy, always with consideration for the environment and the climate. Our decisions serve the purpose of safeguarding our business, preserving our resources and creating trusting partnerships. 

The Paris Climate Accords of 2015 set a further goal and made a clear statement. Global climate change must be contained and the risks and impacts of climate change significantly reduced. The end of the fossil fuel age has thereby been heralded. 

To achieve this goal, we would like to make a visible contribution and improve life on our planet in a responsible way. Therefore, it is important to us to create a perceptible added value wherever we operate – for people, society, the economy and of course the environment. Our actions focus on “strong values”, “good relations”, “transparent business” and “practiced responsibility”. 

These principles are laid down in this Code of Conduct. It obliges us to an ongoing process of monitoring our sustainability management. This includes, of course, that apart from economic aspects, ecological and social aspects affect our decision-making process for business operations.

We are aware of the footprint we set. However, this footprint is many-layered. As a waste management and renewable energy company, our core business is to reduce the ecological footprint that we, and others, leave behind. Our expansion strategy in countries such as India or Bangladesh is also based on this understanding. We use the valuable Know-How we have built up over many years not only to access new markets but also to support these countries in reducing their ecological footprint. On the other hand, we also have a regional influence. As a family-run company, we seek to be a stable employer. We bear responsibility for the families of our employees and also for the regions in which we operate. To support these regions and their development, one must also invest in them.

We know that long-term economic success is based on responsibility and sustainability. Therefore, health and safety are just as important to us as protecting our environment. One of our goals is to sustainably improve the living conditions of the population at our locations. This brings us fresh energy and new motivation every day. 

The management

Family history
since 1991

Münzer timeline – Sinabelkirchen
Strong values
Münzer DNA

Muenzer DNA – hands
Compliance with the Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct must be complied with by all employees of our corporate group. 

It goes without saying that we also expect our business partners, suppliers, service providers and all other stakeholders to recognise these values and to apply standards comparable to this Code themselves. 

This Code of Conduct is a voluntary commitment of Münzer Bioindustrie GmbH and all companies of the group. However, it doesn’t entitle third parties to raise any claims.

Note on gender

Münzer Bioindustrie GmbH attaches great importance to gender equality. Thus, we would like to point out right at the beginning that personal terms apply equally to all genders (male, female, other) and are therefore gender neutral. This solely serves the purpose of better readability and is intended to address all people equally in accordance with non-discrimination laws.

Practicing the Code of Conduct

Our world has become more complex, and so have our decision-making processes. It is necessary that each decision to be made is evaluated individually. Our Code of Conduct provides a compass on how to approach these decisions in the best interest of the company.

  • Is my decision in line with the values of the company?
  • Do I have sufficient information to be able to make the right decision? 
  • Have I considered all possibilities and alternatives?
  • Do I know all legal regulations and am I acting in accordance with them? 
  • Can I sufficiently argue or justify my actions to the responsible authorities?
  • Am I acting solely in the interests of the company or are my motives biased?
  • Can I defend my actions and decisions with a clear conscience?

Our employees are expected to behave responsibly at all times and to make decisions accordingly. Any intentional disregard or violation of this Code is to be refrained from, as well as encouraging others to behave inappropriately. This also includes the obligation to immediately report any attempts at fraud or possible violations with regard to laws and (regulatory) directives to the supervisor.

Of course, the management guarantees that employees who make a report with good intentions are not disadvantaged. Accordingly, reprisals or discreditations are not tolerated. It is the responsibility of every manager to ensure a working environment characterised by openness and honesty and free from derogatory behaviour.

Validity of the Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct is a central part of the general terms and conditions of employment of our employees and the central policy for our line of action. Therefore, this Code also includes certain continuing obligations that apply to employees even after they left the company. This includes the obligation to maintain confidentiality regarding all business and company secrets.

Customer relations

Data protection

Since May 25th 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) has been the basis of general data protection laws in the EU and Austria This regulation is directly applicable in the Member States and is merely supplemented by the Austrian data protection law.


Data protection is the basis for trust. Therefore, we safeguard all data of our stakeholders with particular care, both internally and externally. Information is only disclosed when we are required to do so by applicable laws or regulations.

Data protection and professional confidentiality are of high and central importance in our company.


We only offer our products and services if we are absolutely certain that we are in possession of the necessary legal licences and appropriate knowledge and also if we have got the necessary infrastructure.


Integrity and fairness form the basis of every customer relation. We comply with all applicable legal and regulatory obligations regarding customer protection. For us, all people are equal and we treat everyone with due respect. That is why we strictly adhere to the agreements we make with our clients, partners and service providers. Misleading considerations are not tolerated.

Conflict of interest

Conflicts of interest compromise successful business activities and therefore avoiding them is our top priority. Hence, we also expect our employees to ensure that their own interests are not in conflict with their obligation towards our customers and partners. 
In return, we also expect this honesty from our stakeholders and business partners. This is the only way for both sides to conduct business profitably and sustainably.

Employee relations


Mutual respect creates trust and is therefore the basis for good cooperation. Any form of discrimination and harassment (e.g. based on age, ethnic affiliation, race or skin colour, national origins, religion or faith, political or other opinions, gender, sexual orientation or disability) have no place in our family business. 

We promote an environment where all employees treat each other with respect and recognition, where potential is developed and mutual support is a matter of course. 

Any form of discrimination, harassment or intimidation is neither tolerated nor excused by the management. Any threats or acts of violence, whether in the office or in other work-related circumstances must therefore be reported immediately and will be sanctioned strictly.


A family business goes beyond mere compliance with labour and social laws. We want to be a company where fair employment conditions and mutual respect lead to our employees not only enjoy working for the group but also recommend it to others. 

We want to offer opportunities to develop, to achieve a healthy work-life balance and to unfold one’s own potential. 

Seeing the bigger picture and having the willingness to not only perform for the own team, but also for other company departments and countries, is essential. We therefore want to encourage proactive involvement and contributions. To do so, it is important to have a good judgement. This applies not only to the management but to each and every individual. 

All employees are invited to express their professional opinion or assessment on matters within their area of responsibility.

Safety at the workplace

Protecting the health and safety of all employees is the most central task. Therefore, just as the management is strictly obliged to comply with the relevant regulations, it must also be clear that all employees scrupulously comply with them.

At all our sites, we act with the declared intention of setting the highest standards in health, safety and environmental protection and of continuously improving our performance in these areas.

Within the on-boarding process, all employees are trained on the applicable safety regulations, such as emergency plans or fire safety regulations. These are updated on an ongoing basis and all information is handed out to the employees in written form.

Employees from certain departments such as production, laboratory and others are provided with specific work and safety clothing. 

Use of social networks

We are of course aware that our employees use various social media and networks for private purposes. The use of such tools must, however, be compliant with the law and observe internal guidelines. 

The reputation of the company and the right of others to privacy must also be ensured at all times.

Corporate communications

Any official comments to the media, business partners or other stakeholders in whatever form may only be made by designated personnel. 

Without the prior permission of the management or Corporate Communications, no official and public statements may be made in the name of the company. 

Compliance with the law

It goes without saying that we comply with all applicable laws and regulations. We therefore ensure that all employees are aware of the regulatory requirements applicable to their tasks. Superiors are required to ensure that they obtain information about the applicable laws and regulations relating to their duties and to communicate this information to the employees.

Tax compliance

In the course of our business, we comply with applicable tax laws and, by filing our taxes properly, we contribute to the economies of the countries in which we do business in. Our employees must therefore avoid all practices that could lead to illegal tax evasion.

Cooperation with authorities

We operate in a strictly regulated environment. An open, productive and cooperative relationship with the various administrative authorities is very important to us and it is self-evident that we cooperate fully in case of any inspections, questions or audits.


The regulatory framework of our services, as well as the politically prominent position of our products naturally implies that we present our stances and opinions to the relevant stakeholders, especially in phases of laws and regulations being drafted. 

Only designated personnel registered in the transparency register of the EU may carry out this lobbying work.


Every company in Austria is bound by antitrust regulations. These are stated in Art. 101 and 102 TFEU and especially in Austrian antitrust law and the law against unfair competition.

Our company competes with third parties, both nationally and internationally. We are committed to fair competition in all our business activities. 

Compliance with the applicable competition and antitrust regulations is of great importance to our employees. We expect the same from our business partners.

We do not engage in any activities that restrict fair competition, do not enter any agreements with competitors and do not pass on any information that could restrict fair competition.

Our corporate group is represented in national and international industry associations and we also serve on the executive boards of these. Therefore, it is essential for the management, and also for every employee, to have a holistic view of the respective industry in order to act in the interest of all industry participants in these associations.

Fighting corruption

Münzer Bioindustrie GmbH pursues a zero tolerance policy regarding bribery and corruption for all businesses and transactions of the company. Accordingly, the company is obliged to fully comply with all applicable anti-corruption laws.

Those who value trust must fight bribery, wherever it occurs. It is difficult to spot bribery attempts immediately, whether one is in an active or passive role. It is therefore all the more important to be particularly careful and aware in this regard. 

Bribery takes many forms, not all of which can be recognised at first glance. Small gratuities, the offer or acceptance of direct or indirect payments or services, disproportionate gifts or excessive rewards – any bribery attempt must be firmly rejected.

Corruption is the misuse of entrusted power for private advantages. It applies to corruption in the public (officials) as well as the private sector (employees of private companies) and it also applies to active (offering, granting, promising) and passive (accepting, requesting, receiving) corruption.

Bribery attempts

Acts of bribery or corruption, whether on the part of our employees or of our suppliers or any other stakeholders with whom we have a business relationship, are inacceptable. Any participation in activities where bribery or corruption is suspected must be rejected decisively and reported immediately to the management. 

In addition to the clear prohibition of bribery or bribery attempts of officials, of course the same actions are prohibited among private persons. 

Acceptance of gifts

The acceptance of gifts, regardless of their value,

  • in return for carrying out or not carrying out an action and/or 
  • with the intention of influencing, i.e. jeopardising professional independence, is not permitted.

Gifts and invitations may only be accepted or offered if they are appropriate to the given circumstances and social courtesy. Within our company there are clear behavioural guidelines and values that must be strictly observed by all employees. There is no question of contradicting any legal regulations, especially in connection with officials. 

Cash or cash equivalents may not be offered or accepted under any circumstances. 

Money laundering  

All laws regarding the prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing must be complied with by our employees and of course, also by our partners, customers and suppliers. 

Economic sanctions

Business activities with natural or legal persons trading certain goods or technologies affected by sanctions or embargoes are only permitted if they are conducted in strict compliance with the applicable legislation relating to sanctions and embargoes.


The respective managers in cooperation with the human resources department are responsible for compliance with these regulations. 

Beyond that, the fight against corruption is central to our policy and direct task and responsibility of the management.


We understand lobbying activities as an active exchange with our stakeholders. This includes informing, arguing and mediating in order to represent the interests of Münzer Bioindustrie GmbH. 

In doing so, we comply with the applicable laws on a national and international level, especially with the 
Transparency Act for Lobbying and Interest Representation (LobbyG) and also with internal company guidelines. Of course, all activities are undertaken in a fair, transparent and professional manner. Respect for the fundamental principles of democracy forms the basis of our activities.


All lobbying activities are undertaken in a fair and professional manner and are guided by high standards of ethical and moral behaviour. Inappropriate behaviour shall be refrained from.

Legal regulations

All lobbying activities take place in accordance with legal regulations, especially with the LobbyG and internal company regulations.


It is prohibited to obtain information by dishonest means or to attempt to do so.
Of course, socially acceptable and lawful activities are undertaken for an appropriate expression of interests. The exertion of pressure on officials must be refrained from.


Our lobbyists are open about their lobbying activities, the employer they represent and their concerns. We provide functionaries and other interested parties with truthful, up-to-date and, above all, correct information. Any deliberately misleading representation of facts must be avoided.  

Integrity and duty of confidentiality

Our lobbying activities take place with due integrity. All received confidential information shall be treated as such and neither passed on nor used for other purposes. 

The duty of confidentiality can be severed either through the explicit consent of the management or on the basis of a legal disclosure obligation. Confidential information may be disclosed with explicit authorisation of the management or on the basis of a legal duty of disclosure.

Conflicts of interest

Actions that expose a functionary to a conflict of interest must be avoided. This is particularly the case if there is a risk that the functionary is or could be influenced by an action in his or her unbiased official conduct.

The lobbyists of Münzer Bioindustrie GmbH shall inform themselves about and respect the incompatibility provisions applicable to the functionary, insofar as these have been publicly announced.

Environmental and climate protection

“Energy from waste” – – this motto is motivation and obligation for us. For Münzer Bioindustrie GmbH environmental and climate protection means more than just the fulfilment of legal obligations. It is our declared goal to make a significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in our areas of influence through our products and services, as well as through our business activities and procedures. This also means doing our utmost to minimise environmental impacts in our internal processes, as well as in our production and processing procedures and supply and logistics chains. We even go one step further. Our production sites reduce the impacts on the environment by producing waste-based BioDiesel. We process waste into energy, which in turn replaces fossil based energy. The more waste we use here within the framework of the technical and legal possibilities, in other words the more ecologically we operate, the higher is the generated economic value, which in turn leads to an improvement of our collection logistics, for example. The product therefore drives the circular economy and this is exactly when an economically successful company also boosts ecology. 

We are also subject to the strictest legal regulations in all our business activities, which we comply with to the best of our knowledge and belief. Especially in the field of waste management, it is particularly important to us to continuously keep our employees informed about the current legal status.

Human rights

Münzer Bioindustrie GmbH is committed to safeguarding and observing human rights in accordance with the UN Charter and the European Convention on Human Rights.

This commitment of course applies equally to all sites in all countries in which we are active. Cultural differences are to be regarded individually but human dignity, based on human rights, is universal. 

Based on these basic principles, human rights are regarded and respected as fundamental values. The core of our corporate culture is that every person is unique and valuable and that individual abilities are seen as an enrichment. Münzer Bioindustrie GmbH, the directors and all managers therefore do not tolerate any form of discrimination. This also applies to any type of sexual harassment, for instance, by way of obvious advances, humiliating comments or jokes, rude language, obscene gestures or the display of inappropriate pictures.

These principles also apply to behaviour towards and by external partners.

Sponsoring and donations

Münzer Bioindustrie GmbH is an active stakeholder of the society. As a family-run company, we have a responsibility not only towards our employees but also towards the society.

We therefore grant various donations and sponsorships and see these as an investment in the public good. We understand these donations, whether monetary or material, as gratuitous and voluntary and therefore do not expect anything in return.

General information

TÜV Austria certified

Since the founding of our company, we have specialised in the professional and legally compliant disposal of all hazardous and non-hazardous liquid waste. 

The certified business activities* are: 

  • Collection and treatment of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, in particular treatment of used cooking oil and copper and aluminium cables
  • Cleaning and maintenance of sewers, mineral oil and grease separator systems
  • Disposal of old electrical appliances, industrial and consumer batteries
  • Cleaning services, in particular tank cleaning and dismantling, as well as wet and dry vacuuming of free-flowing materials using high-performance systems
  • Implementation of industrial cleaning, tank and container cleaning as well as revision and dissambling

* There are differences here between the Vienna and Sinabelkirchen sites

BioDiesel production

Alternative renewable biofuels are the most significant measure for reducing greenhouse gases in the traffic and transport sector nowadays. 

As Austria’s largest producer of BioDiesel, we produce more than 200,000 tonnes of high-quality biofuel (fatty-acid-methyl-ester, or FAME) annually in our production plants. Quality standard for our BioDiesel is the European norm EN 14214 without exception. Apart from our strict internal quality assurance, we apply the leading European quality management system as part of our membership of the German Association Quality Management BioDiesel e. V. (in short AGQM). We are the only BioDiesel producer in Austria that adheres to these strict criteria and we therefore exceed the standard requirements in terms of quality. 

We can meet this high quality standard through continuous internal controls and analytical 24-hour monitoring of our products in terms of their quality requirements in our own company laboratories. Through continuous participation in ring trials with other national and international laboratories, we ensure that our analytical results are correct.

Apart from quality standards, sustainability requirements are a central concern for us. The use of BioDiesel can only be sustainable if it is not at the expense of people and nature. We therefore offer advanced biofuels made from raw materials listed in Appendix IX of RED II (Renewable Energy Directive II). This is verified by the eINa database of the Federal Environment Agency.

We are also the first Austrian company to have the sustainability requirements of the European Union audited according to the largest certification system worldwide for sustainability and greenhouse gas reductions in the area of biomass and renewable energies, ISCC (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification). 

The ISCC certification represents the path of bioenergy along the entire value chain. It documents everything from the field, or in the case of waste, from the point of origin to the production of our BioDiesel. The certificate displays that at each so-called certified point along the value chain the biomass was produced in accordance with the necessary sustainability requirements.

No to palm oil

However, for Münzer Bioindustrie GmbH, sustainability goes even further. Out of responsibility for future generations, we have always set ourselves the obligation to refrain from using palm oil as a raw material for our BioDiesel production. We have also always supported this stance politically and are therefore grateful that this requirement was also taken account of in the amendment of the Fuel Regulation in December 2020.

In case of questions, suggestions and comments regarding this Code of Conduct, you can send an e-mail at any time to