Batteries and accumulators
Proper disposal
We offer the collection and recycling of accumulators, portable batteries and lithium batteries. For lead accumulators (marked “Pb”) you will receive the market-rate reimbursement.
We can also dispose of other types of batteries on request, e.g: nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride and “critically defective” lithium batteries.
What can be disposed of?
*NMC (nickel manganese cobalt oxide), NCA (nickel cobalt aluminium oxide), LFP (lithium iron phosphate), LMFP (lithium manganese iron phosphate)
Collection container
We will be glad to provide you with the right containers from our range for proper and legally compliant collection and storage.
Collection container
DM: 380 x H: 660 mm
With vent valve
DM: 610 x H: 880 mm
L: 1200 x W: 1000 x H: 1055 mm
Available with or without vent valve
Contact Sinabelkirchen
Münzer Bioindustrie GmbH
Untergroßau 207
A-8261 Sinabelkirchen
T. +43 (0) 50 180
F. +43 (0) 50 180 400