Your pathway to Münzer

Step 1:
Your application
As soon as you have identified an appealing career opportunity, you can apply for the advertised job directly online (using the link in the job ad in question) or by e-mailing Once you have finalised and submitted your application, including the accompanying documents (cover letter, CV, etc.), you will receive an automated confirmation of receipt to the e-mail address you have provided.
If we need additional documents or more information, we will contact you directly.
Step 2:
The selection process
You have put a lot of effort into your application, so we will be sure to take the time to review it carefully. The pre-selection process usually takes one to a maximum of two weeks. We will in any event contact you as soon as possible, and keep you informed as to the current status and ultimate outcome of your application. Our recruiting department will first conduct a telephone interview (lasting around 5 to 15 minutes) with potential recruits, to go over the basic information given once again and discuss details such as the candidate’s availability, pay expectations, etc.
If both parties are interested in an in-person meeting, we will arrange an appointment for you to attend an interview. You will receive an e-mail confirming the appointment, together with the essential information for it, and a map showing how to reach us.
Step 3:
The first interview
The first interview is usually attended by a recruiter and the candidate’s direct line manager. You won’t need to bring your application documents along with you, as the interviewers will already have your application file to hand. The only additional documentation that would be advantageous to bring along would be relevant job references or qualification certificates. In addition to finding out what the job entails, you will also be provided with useful information about the Münzer Group, and gain some realistic insights into your potential future working environment. The focus at this stage is on getting to know each other in person, and on answering any outstanding questions.
The information given and impressions obtained during this interview are intended to help you decide whether you wish to join the organisation, and also serve as the initial foundation of a potential long-term working relationship.
Step 4:
The second interview
If the initial encounter has gone well, we will be glad to welcome you back to a second, more in-depth, interview. The focus of this will primarily be on job-related matters. This interview is usually attended by a recruiter, the candidate’s direct line manager and/or a member of staff from the specific department concerned.
Depending on the post for which you are applying, you might be notified of a task which you will need to prepare prior to the second interview. This is often the case when recruiting specialist experts or management staff.
Step 5:
The decision
Following the second interview, we will again take time to make a considered decision with a long-term view. It might take up to a week for us to notify you of our decision, given that in most instances we need to finalise the second round of interviews with all candidates. Once you have convinced us of your merits, the only matters left to clarify before you join are the terms of your employment.
Then all there is to say is: “Welcome to the Münzer team!”